# 工具
# HTML iframe element
# Embed single videos
To embed a youtube video in our website, we should add iframe tag in our html file, the following is the parameter that we can add.
- Mute ->
- Start time of x seconds ->
- End time of y seconds ->
- The timeline color ->
(original is red)
The following parameters are used in my custom html.
-> Don't show suggested videos from other channels.
<iframe | |
width="560" height="315" | |
src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{ID}?showinfo=0&controls=0&loop=1&rel=0" | |
frameborder="0" allow="picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
width="560" and height="315" is equel to 16 : 9
or make it responsive using
.YTplayer { | |
aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; | |
width: 100%; | |
height: auto; | |
border-radius: 15px; | |
} |
Example of fix size:
# Embed playlist
To embed a playlist, you just need to change the URL in the iframe tag
from embed/{ID}
to embed/videoseries?list={playlist ID}
or embed?listType=playlist&{URL parameter}&list={playlist ID}
<iframe | |
width="560" height="315" | |
src="https://www.youtube.com/embed?listType=playlist&showinfo=0&controls=0&loop=1&rel=0&list={playlist ID}" | |
frameborder="0" allow="picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
# 分享影片片段的連結
https:/embed/M4Hj1WW-69E?start=1214&end=1269 |
# Thumbnail image
To get nice thumbnail image in youtube video, you can simply type in the following urls, and remember to change the video id.
→1280x720 (沒黑框)
# 鍵盤快速鍵
以下列出本人常用的快捷鍵,如要查看所有 Youtube 內建的快速鍵,請在 Youtube 裡面按下 Shift + ?
雖然幾乎全部都有用到就是了 XD
- 切換播放 / 暫停: k
- 返回 (倒轉) 10 秒: j
- 往後 (快轉) 10 秒: l
- 跳至前一個影格 (影片暫停時): ,
- 跳至下一個影格 (影片暫停時): .
- 調慢播放速度: < or Shift + ,
- 調快播放速度: > or Shift + .
- 跳轉到影片的特定時間點 (例如,按下 7 鍵就會跳轉到影片播放進度的 70% 處): 0..9
- 開啟或關閉全螢幕模式: f
- 切換劇院模式: t
- 切換迷你播放器: i
- 切換靜音: m
# 指令
# Change speed of the video
To change the youtube video's speed,
- Press Ctrl + Shift + c or
to open development panel. - Switch to the
panel. - Paste the following code that depends on the speed you like.
document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0].playbackRate = {number}; |
# 官方的 oembed API
可以選擇要查詢的是 單一影片 或是 播放清單
# 單一影片
規則: https://youtube.com/oembed?url={full_video_link}&format=json
例子: https://youtube.com/oembed?url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtwuvJk7D7w&format=json
{ | |
"title": "金牌麟洋! 奧運羽球男雙二連霸!| ★ 完整轉播搜尋Hami巴黎奧運 ★", | |
"author_name": "中華電信 Hami Video 運動", | |
"author_url": "https://www.youtube.com/@hamivideo6046", | |
"type": "video", | |
"height": 113, | |
"width": 200, | |
"version": "1.0", | |
"provider_name": "YouTube", | |
"provider_url": "https://www.youtube.com/", | |
"thumbnail_height": 360, | |
"thumbnail_width": 480, | |
"thumbnail_url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UtwuvJk7D7w/hqdefault.jpg", | |
"html": "省略..." | |
} |
# 撥放清單
規則: https://youtube.com/oembed?url={full_playlist_link}&format=json
例子: https://youtube.com/oembed?url=https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lwDtRHbjTwcqVVIu-6ov-uTK13DXYyfzo&format=json
{ | |
"title": "Job for a Rockstar", | |
"type": "video", | |
"height": 113, | |
"width": 200, | |
"version": "1.0", | |
"provider_name": "YouTube", | |
"provider_url": "https://www.youtube.com/", | |
"thumbnail_height": 360, | |
"thumbnail_width": 480, | |
"thumbnail_url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/iTMQdcLC6R4/hqdefault.jpg", | |
"html": "省略..." | |
} |
可以用來取得撥放清單的 thumbnail image,因為有些播放清單會設定另外的圖片,而非預設的第一個影片縮圖。
# Get the info. by video ID
Using the link below by change the video id you want, then you can get the video information.
https:/dislike-en/get_info.php?id={videoId} |
The information will contain the following data:title
, channelName
, likes
, dislikes
, views
, comments
, videoId
, dislikePercent
, from
{ | |
"title": "あたしが隣にいるうちに/藤川千愛 アニメ『盾の勇者の成り上がり』エンディングテーマ (''The Rising of the Shield Hero'' Ending Theme )", | |
"channelName": "藤川千愛", | |
"likes": 97485, | |
"dislikes": 1083, | |
"views": "15154119", | |
"comments": "2483", | |
"videoId": "DS2sP8CDLas", | |
"dislikePercent": 1, | |
"from": "API" | |
} |
P.S.: 若查詢已刪除或私人的影片,則會顯示 error
# View the dislike number
If you want to know a video's dislike number but you don't want to download anything, then you can use the api below.
https:/votes?videoId={videoId} |
The information will contain the following data:id
, dateCreated
, likes
, dislikes
, rating
, viewCount
, deleted
{ | |
"id": "DS2sP8CDLas", | |
"dateCreated": "2022-04-09T20:07:03.084463Z", | |
"likes": 97487, | |
"dislikes": 1083, | |
"rating": 4.956051536978797, | |
"viewCount": 15154312, | |
"deleted": false | |
} |
# References
- 官方 YouTube IFrame Player API Doc.
- 非官方 html youtube iframe
- 非官方 youtube embed playlist
- 非官方 youtube speed
- 非官方 youtube info by id